Sunday 21 October 2012


The Swahilis will tell you “umoja ni nguvu,utengano ni udhaifu”(Unity is strength, divided we fall).What wisdom! This has summarized all my thoughts! I feel not to add anything to this! But for the love of writing I feel obliged to say a word or two. 

Methinks unity is the vision of every mankind. It is the ingredient that we all long to get. We admire those who have it and feel like we should be like them. We talk about it and even seek divine intervention for it to appear amongst us. 

But is unity found “outside there”? I feel not! I think unity is part and parcel of us. It is found within us. As we walk, we walk with it. As we speak, it is listening to us. I mean Unity is us and we are unity.
In the Bible I learn about the Tower of Babel. The vision of man to construct a “bridge” to connect his earthly abode with the heavenly seat of Yahweh. What an incredible idea! You mean a man can “bridge” heaven and earth! 

As I read the story, I find man had nothing special that almost made his vision materialize. He didn’t have access to all gigantic construction machines we have now. I haven’t seen any mention of a world class engineering school that these chaps attended. They had one “thing”. That thing is Unity!
Let me not dwell much on this biblical story. Allow me to take you through an intellectual ride of my village. 

My mum was a member of a “muganda”. This was a village merry-go-round mainly done by women. They pooled their contributions to a member every two weeks. Each contributed religiously. There was no collateral attached. It was a game of “upping” every member. 

Of the six or so members, mum seemed to be the oldest and experienced of all. By virtue of this, her advice was highly needed and believed. But I came to learn that the glue that brought them together wasn’t their age. They were united for a purpose. They all looked forward to seeing their families in good mood. And they succeeded! Not even a single day did mum tell us she was broke. 

Where did they learn this? Who taught them? Why is it only happening with them (women)? Are men disqualified from practising this?
In the course of my interaction with friends and reading, I have come to understand that what we can’t do alone, we can do in group. 

Which begs the question –how are these groups formed? Methinks you need not a rocket scientist to form a group or to identify group members. 

All you need is unity of purpose. It is to acknowledge that you all share a common destiny and vision (say to get a livelihood).This will then lead to formulation of “tactics”. You know what? This is pooling together your intellectual might and putting them in action. Just as my mum and her colleagues did and succeeded, I believe you are not an exception. You will succeed!

Suggestion: You’ve just graduated from university with your colleagues, you have access to information, you know how to make friends, and of course a group; is it impossible for you to contribute say KSH10,000 and purchase a greenhouse kit and start supplying tomatoes to your locality? I won’t force you to do it, just try! JUST TRY.

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