Tuesday 4 March 2014


The human body has a language - we often talk of body language. Decorations on the body can tell a narrative of clan and place. But the body has also been used to carry messages against itself. This is a vivid picture of what Turkana county is. It stands between paradise and hell. Wealth and poverty. Creativity and naivety. Light and darkness.

This beautiful land needs a face-lift. It yearns for a home-grown voice to "shout" to the world of the goodies it carries in her bosom. But who will do this?  Are there tales to tell the world? When and how will this happen?

A cloud of hope is slowly covering the Turkana landscape. The youths have grabbed the mantle. They have 'discovered' the hidden power in story-telling. They are ready to change the perception of a place known for poverty and famine. 

They have trained their eyes on the invisible wealth of their people. These self-appointed ambassadors of the people are very promising. 
Paradigm-shift is their philosophy, camera is their tool and hope is their daily creed. They are on the field to bring you the sweet, sweet stories of their motherland, Turkana.

Join me in exploring these people:


The Northlink Productions is a brainchild of three brilliant minds:  Lolibo Amos, Josephat Ekiru and Ebenyo William Eloto. This group is a tiny representation of thousands of talents out there. Their presence is a true reflection of the aspirations of the invisible dancers, artists, thinkers...in the fields of Turkana. 

The group was born two years ago with a central aim of "strengthening community bond, touching and changing lives through filming." They seek to support, nurture, train and build the film talents among the youths. Theirs is akin to a rescue centre for all with talents.

It has so far produced about twelve films covering various aspects of life of the Turkana people. Their work is premised on the thinking that the life of a people - in this case the Turkanas - is founded on knowledge-transfer and appreciation of culture. That development should incorporate the social life of a people for it to stand.


In addition to filming, the group collaborates with many other "talent squads". They offer technical support to upcoming artists. For instance in 2013, the team helped produce one free music video by Nippy K (stage-name) - a local music artist. Their vision is to transform these "talent squads" into stand-alone groups that can help incorporate and reach out to others. 


The NLP Members have won several awards. "Never Again", a film directed by Lolibo Amos got the second position in slum film festival in Nairobi 2012. "Nipe Nafasi" directed by Lucy Lonyia was the best film in a film festival held in Kakuma - Tukana in 2012. ’’Love is Worth Suicide’’, won the best drama story in Nairobi 2013. Ebenyo William Eloto was awarded the best cinematographer in filmaid festival 2013 In Nairobi. Loliba Amos also got the best director for the film "Never Again."


Lack of funds is the team’s greatest headache. Filmaid, a local NGO, has been their great friend for the last two years. It has helped train group members and purchasing of filming equipment.

Once this challenge is sorted out, they promise to scale up their activities to include the following:  Making of short films and documentaries that will be used in educating the community, screening of educative and informative contents /films to school and the community, making of documentaries, short films, series, feature films and editing them into meaningful contents and making copies of films and selling them as means of generating income for the youths.

The NLP can be reached via email: northlinkproductions@gmail.com
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There is nothing so fruitful and refreshing than having youths with visions and positive energy. They pose no “challenge” to their leaders. Their prayer is simple: lay down a strong foundation for them to succeed in their works. Can the County Government of Turkana do something to these minds?
Twitter: @mlemukol

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