Wednesday 12 December 2012


                  Which is important;quality or "jobs"? Longevity or the "feeling of having done something"? I ask myself these questions when I hear some "professionals" argue about the manner in which community projects (like schools,dispensaries,market stalls) should be handled.Majority of them tend to support the idea of letting locals "construct/build" the projects for this is one way of creating "employment". This  may sound sweet with the hoi polloi.It may be a wise action.It may be a solution to peoples challenges.But is it really a solution? Lets dig deep into it to uncover the veracity of this method.

                    Methinks quality is important.After all what is the essence of having such kind of projects?Quality comes at a cost.It is a measure of how we love our projects and our lives.But what is quality?Methinks quality is paramount to all other factors.It is a demonstration of a peoples' commitment to solve a problem not for one generation but for several generations (call it eternity). It is closely related to TIME.A quality product lasts longer.It "lives" for a longer time.So this begs the questions - is it logical to have a local market built by unskilled locals under the pretext of offering them job opportunities and have it(the market) rebuilt after two years?Is this progress? 

                   Compromises are not the solutions to community's challenges.To do this is like climbing a tree from the top.You purport to cure a condition while creating a disastrous one.Degradation of peoples' lives conditions is not as a result of lack of resources.We have a lot of resources.It is a product of using wrong methods to right a situation.This calls for one thing.Visionary thoughts.But we are imprisoned by the mentality of "pleasing our people" at the expense of quality.We are blinded by this malady.It has taken control of our minds.It is no more about the larger picture.It is about personal interests under the cover of "helping the people". Please stop this!

                   I think the issue of job creation and community involvement aren't of concern here.I don't rule out the role of communities/locals in taking part in their developments.They are players in this game and can't be locked out.But we should be cognizant of the fact that the same communities are the beneficiaries of these projects.This understanding therefore demands looking into the future.And this is brought by doing  quality job.Constructing something that wouldn't collapse after being officially opened. 
                                                          * * * * * * * * *
                   I write this out of frustration.I'm angered by actions of a vision-less lot calling itself viongozi.This is not a blanket condemnation.There are those who have performed well.Kudos to them.But my anger is directed to those who by their actions tell the people they are incapable of steering the wheel to the promised land. I'm a victim of this malady.The women of my home town (Kainuk) don't have a market.This isn't because of absence of resources.It is out of using wrong methods - in the name of using local skills and creating "jobs".The result?No market."Marketless" trading center.And who shall rectify this?Please mr/mrs/ms/miss governor,we want action on this!

1 comment:

  1. The only thing that kainuk requires is A CHANGE IN LEADERSHIP.


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