Sunday 13 October 2013


There is time for everything under the sun. There is time to cry and time to smile. Time to till the land and time to harvest the fruits of our labour. These aren't my words. The Bible tells us so. But wait. I have some good news for you: it's time for Turkana to smile and to harvest the fruit of its labour.

 But before we reach there, let’s look up North and see the rising Star. A Star is shining. It's lighting up the dark paths for the sons and daughters of God to walk unhindered. The people are dancing and rejoicing for they have seen the God of the rising Star speak with authority. They are singing praise songs to the Almighty for sending this golden Star unto them.

This Star is personified in Governor Josphat Koli Nanok - a.k.a Nokia. This son of the land is proving the prophecy: He walks with the people. He feels for them. He is disturbed by their suffering. He isn't a settled man. He loves his people to the core. His words and thoughts are indicative of this love.

 His opponents know this. They understand very well that this man isn't the hot-air type - those who shout but rarely talk meaningful and progressive words. They have confused his silence to cowardliness. For them, bravery is shouting so as to be seen by the masses. 

But Governor Nanok is proving them wrong. He has mastered the art of attack and counter-attack. He isn't a hot-headed chap wandering around shouting empty words. He engages brains to bring forth solutions - long-lasting ones. It's this character that has endeared him to the masses. 

He demonstrates a figure of a guy who knows he isn't a depository of all knowledge. That knowledge is "dispersed" to all people irrespective of their sizes, character, gender or ethnic extraction. He easily gets this knowledge with a mastery never seen (before) in Turkana - and probably in Kenya. This warrior is truly the messiah that my people have been longing for.

The shortest time it has taken him to climb the leadership ladder in Turkana is in itself an evidence of a son loved by the people. They say good people are rare - and Turkana County is lucky to get this rarest creature. 

There are those who may attribute his rise to some magic power or power-of-money. To them I say - shut up and join the Walk to Canaan. The train has already left the station. Soon we shall reach that Promised Land.  The land flowing with milk and honey!                

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