Tuesday, 20 August 2013


Too much of aid is poisonous. It kills a people. It reduces them into objects of ridicule - objects to be "sold" to well-wishers to secure help. Aid that imparts not critical thinking on a people is nothing but an expression of slavery. This, I think, is what has contributed to the slumber in northern Kenya.

It is no secret that after fifty years of independence northern Kenya and other arid lands are still ranked poorly on matters development. The populace and politicians craving for popularity will blame it on government negligence. But I think there is more in this story than meets the eye.

Millions of N.G.O dollars have been poured into these lands.  In "normal" situations these "blessings" would flow to empower the masses. But a cursory look on the ground will force you to ask hard questions. Are N.G.O dollars really destined to fighting poverty? What are the priorities of these guys? Should the masses question the philosophy of N.G.O operations in northern Kenya?

A look at the brochures and "guide books" of most of the N.G.Os operating in northern Kenya will tell you that their core duty is to empower the masses. That their intervention is pushed by the urge to give energy to those without and to make them "stand on their own".  

"Stand on their own" is no mean talk. It is the philosophy that oils the pockets of most of these N.G.Os. Unfortunately, their actions negate the very ideals over which they are founded. They insist on feeding the masses instead of teaching them how to fend on their own. Their symbols of "development" are pot-bellied clerks chauffeured in expensive vehicles interviewing old illiterate women in rural out posts. 

It is time we ask these N.G.O guys to explain to the masses what they have done with those millions of dollars.

They better declare openly to the masses that theirs is multi-million dollar business destined to fatten a few connected guys than fool the populace that they are there to liberate them from poverty.

If they want to fight poverty they MUST be ready to "energize the masses and let them stand on their own". Watch this space. 

The writer is an Architect. Twitter: @mlemukol.  Email: lemoseh89@gmail.com

Friday, 16 August 2013


               Todonyang' could be the famous remote outpost of Turkana County. The place is always in the news for several reasons. One, the area is home to Lake Turkana delta that is agriculturally rich. Secondly, the delta is believed to harbor substantial fish population. Thirdly, the place offers a window to Ethiopia's remotest lands.

                 Unfortunately, all these goodies remain a myth rather than a reality. Insecurity and foreign incursions by alleged Merille warriors has turned this promising outpost into a crying baby. It has transformed its people into beggars. Again, it has transformed some opportunists into rich chaps. Yes, those who cry louder than the bereaved. They rejoice in the suffering of others.

                 But above all, this Todonyang' story has led to the emergence of boardroom warriors. This is a squad that hides behind computer screens splashing trash and complaining about insecurity but offer nothing but BIG COMPLAINTS. They always appear whenever an attack has been reported to have occurred in this "cursed" territory and disappear into thin air when the hullabaloo dies. They have good ideas but are fragmented. 

                 But still there is that group that fights with the people. They sleep where they sleep and eat what they eat. The main player in this category is the church. They have come up with plans to empower the masses but are impeded by scarce resources. They have the will but lack the stamina to push the locomotive of change and progress.

                 Finally, the suffering masses have developed a way of fighting their enemies. They have risen to the task of defending themselves. They fight first before calling the always reluctant state machinery for reinforcement.

                 With that in mind; I have some doses to administer to this ailing child called Todonyang'. Dose one; arm the masses with latest weapons. Collect and burn those world war II rifles that can't even kill a rat.

                 Dose two; "facebook warriors" should be ready to get off their gadgets and get to the ground. Governments world-wide are used to complaints and shouts. Engage other ways to "catch the eye of GoK."

                 And to the leaders; get out of your comfort zones and let your roles be seen. We are used to press conferences and ministerial statements. The man and woman in Todonyang' have no time following your press conferences.

                You don't fight an enemy by talks, talks and talks. You fight an enemy by inflicting pain on him. Enemies regain their conscience when they are injured. Give them a heavy blow and you will see them scatter and Todonyang' will regain its glory and life!

Monday, 12 August 2013


                 Admiration is good. It is through it that men and women exchange experiences and successes/failures. But admiration followed by empty talk is nothing but a farce. It is akin to completing formal schooling and declaring oneself "learned". 

                True admiration breeds development. It is a catalyst of thinking. I mean progressive thinking. It permits correction and learning. It is open and incorporates all humanity. It is not mediocre. It is not founded on fallacies and empty-mindedness. 

                 Let’s peel off this hot potato.  Admiration and youths are one thing. I will liken them to the Biblical story of creation. They are husband and wife. They live in the mystic world of unemployment. They complain and look at each other for a "breakthrough". But they are "blocked". The youths aspire to live the life of their dreams but "discover" the existence of a roadblock.

                  They say the government has neglected them. They have internalized their problems to a point of turning it into the gospel truth to be followed by all and preached to everybody that bothers to listen. They have forgotten they are the lock and key. That they can determine who they are and what they want to become.

                   They want to be fed and washed. They still live in mental diapers. They keep shouting, "mama, mama!". They believe they are incapable of tilting the scales of life in their favor. That is why they keep on calling the government, societies, churches, mosques.....and everybody to "develop" them.

                    Development is not “planted” on humans. It is made by men themselves. It is a manifestation of their works and thoughts. It is a product of the toil of their hands. It is the parameter that determines the workings of our brains.

                    For youths to realize the lives of their dreams, they must be ready to shake off the belief that completing formal schooling is a proof of "learnedness" hence success. "Learnedness" is a lifelong activity. Success goes beyond papers. Over to you!

Tuesday, 6 August 2013


                 There is a good thing with the 'splashes' in the social media- you can 'read' the thoughts of people. It provides a platform to seek consolation and emotional support. This is what caught my eyes some few days ago. A guy lamented that Turkana people are being "portrayed in bad light". That they are classified as the poorest people in the republic. That the county is ranked 10th nationally in HIV/AIDS prevalence....etc.

                 He seemed to point out an interesting twist of things - that good news is left out. That nobody dares think of the positive side of these people. That there is a conspiracy to "paint his people in bad light". 

                 He was rightly placed to lament, cry, shout and protest. Sometimes it adds value to talk of the sweetest part of the story. So let’s talk of the beauty queens of this part of the globe.

                  Beauty is an integral aspect of a pastoralist woman. It is highly regarded and appreciated. A beautiful woman "fetches huge returns". This is what others call dowry. "Cat-walking" is a daily chore here. A young woman is always under guidance from experienced and knowledgeable women on how she should present herself to the "outside world". This therefore puts them ahead of others on matters beauty, on matters "cat-walking".

                   Then there is this thing that men love - the durability of a woman's beauty. Some men have cited this as the cause for straying and looking for mistresses. They talk of wear and tear. That their women have grown old hence "don't look beautiful".

                   I have a solution for them....look up North and you will get "durable beauty". Those beauty queens up north have their bodies laced with "refresher elements." They retain their looks even at an advanced age. God must have taken His time to design, assemble the best material and the right expertise to create this wonderful creature. 

                   But winning these queens isn't a walk in the park. It demands work. It demands courage. It is therefore incumbent upon the sons and daughters of the soil to team up and turn these visible riches into concrete tangible wealth. It is through this, I think, that you fight the negative publicity. Yes,turning on the wheels of progress. 

                  I have some thoughts: institutionalize traditional dances, promote beauty pageants, encourage and support research on culture. People will definitely look for beauty and the negative publicity will be a thing of the past. 

                                     * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

                 Congratulations dada Madonna for showing the way. Your bravery and confidence is the mix that thousands of other "queens" out there are longing for. Meet them and bring them on board.