Many poor, rural/slum girls and women find it hard to purchase the much needed sanitary pads and other "womanly commodities" they need. This can be attributed to many factors. But the biggest culprit is poverty and ignorance. This segment of humanity is unable to get these "vital tools" because they are financially handicapped. They need assistance. They need help.
To cushion this, most of them have resorted to using life threatening "tools" to "fight" this monthly monster. Some use leaves and used clothing to "clean up themselves." Others resort to "seating on sand" to allow a smooth flow of the "fluid" out of them.
All these sound dangerous, right? Look up, take a deep breath and ask yourself this question.....does it add any value to introduce tax on already expensive sanitary pads and "womanly commodities"?
Methinks this is a blind move by a desperate government- a government whose senses and feelings are detached from the feelings of its subjects. To do this is akin to declaring war against unarmed civilians. I will liken it to an act of shooting a defenseless population in the name of maintaining public good. It is an affront to women's dignity and rights.
People of goodwill must rise up and do something. A "counter resurgence" is needed. This demands that we work together. It demands thinking. It demands sacrifice. It is a defining moment for those with heavy hearts. Those who believe in the we-are-because-of-other peoples'-existence philosophy. It is purely an act of taking the place of that poor needy girl or woman whose agony goes unnoticed. Here are some hints:
Make a decisive shout and tell the Kenyan government that tax on sanitary pads is akin to nailing an already dead person. It must rescind its move and look for other creative ventures of raising revenue. NOT THROUGH STEALING THE DIGNITY OF OUR GIRLS AND WOMEN.
Secondly, let’s share the little we have with those with none. It is through this that we acknowledge that we are umbilically related to others outside there. Let’s pool our efforts and make this cause a reality. COME ONE COME ALL.
Innovation is highly needed on this. A friend told me of “a new method of making homemade pads from locally available materials". Methinks this is what the suffering masses are thirsty of - to know how to make this valuable commodity on their own. LET’S TRAIN THEM.
Finally, a woman's dignity MUST BE PROTECTED BY ALL. It is NOT a women-only domain. It calls for all segments of the society to play their roles for needy poor girls and women to have their needs attended to. Teach them. Help them. Pray for them.......Yes, be close to them!