Monday, 31 December 2012


Today being  the last day of the year is an important moment to  look into the past, the actions of the past, the steps made in the past, etc. It is equally important to see into the future. And this calls for planning, correcting the past, adopting new ways, discarding the unfruitful formulas etc. But for this to happen sharp minds are needed, minds that see the future with optimism. Minds that plan. Yes creative minds !

On the same note, it is incumbent to establish those ways that didn't work well. Methinks this is the surest way to progress. For any attempt to ignore this is suicidal and destructive. And so this begs the question - what is this that didn't work? 

Lets call a spade a spade; feeding people is not development. This is an enemy of development. 

Development is all about imparting skills on others to make them independent. It is about activating peoples' minds. It is about making a population self-reliant. Equating development to food rations is missing the point. It is populist. It is a fallacy and a mockery of the peoples' intelligence. It is reminiscent of a slave and a slave master - by assuming the role of provider you reduce the other to a level of a thing. You reduce the masses to a crowd of beggars. You lock their thinking capacity. You let them assume the role of under-dogs. This is not acceptable.

But all is not lost. There is time to rectify. There is time to engage the right gear. And this is the time. But another question pops up - who will realize this dream? Methinks it is you and me. We  are umbilically corded to the aspirations and needs of the masses. A self-reliant population is governable. It is pro-active. It is development conscious. But brains are needed for this dream to become a reality. Brains that see opportunities. Brains that contribute to self-reliance. Brains that engage the masses in designing their destiny. This is what is badly needed!  

The northern-Kenya districts have received food rations for the last fifty-something years. Generations have gone through this cycle. Poverty is now believed to be the other name for northern kenya. And this begs the question - should we continue with this same method even after seeing its failures? Are we bankrupt of ideas? Is the leadership of this part of the world connected with its masses? Methinks it is time to embrace new methods. Instead of food rations, why can't we adopt irrigation? Instead of crying of lack of finances,is it a hard task to pass a law that compels all the Non-Governmental Organizations operating in this segment of the nation to channel a proportion of their funds on projects (say agriculture) that boost peoples' self-reliance? Mr Governor,it is up to you.

Saturday, 29 December 2012


                   That I'm black is no secret.I feel proud to be one.This is my heritage.It is inside me and I'm inside it.Don't think I'm racist.Telling truth is not racism.But it is imperative to ask hard questions on this.What is of importance,the blackness in me or the "composition" of the blackness? What is so funny about my blackness?...Methinks to base ones mind on this is wrong.To accept this kind of thinking is to accept inferiority .....This is how it happened.The other day I had a fruitful talk with my friend.The talk dwelt on politics and Africa's  position in the global politics.We discussed, analyzed, criticized and even suggested possible measures that (according to our shallow understanding) can propel Africa to greater heights.But one thing kept on popping up.This was the small thing of "blackness".

                    This was his statement,"if you come to my country,you will be the 'blackest' of all". This statement wasn't empty.It is full of interesting issues.Issues that cut across  the african man and woman.This is the matter of "thinking". The power of standing up to be counted.The power of looking at the content of a person,not his looks.It is about the "lost" pro-activeness.It is about the doing-spirit.The action oriented spirit.Yes this is it.

                   "Blackness" seems to be the rallying call for most africans to justify their failures.They have internalized the belief that "black is bad",that black is "devilish". With this,they have (un)knowingly deactivated their power of reasoning.They have resorted to mere theatrics.Theatrics of talking much but doing nothing.Theatrics of name-calling.Theatrics of believing that good can't come out of them.That good things are meant for "other people". 

                    Methinks it is high time for all people of this great african continent to avoid living in self-denial.Take this for instance,we say our heroes and heroins fought for our independence.But this begs the question,who were they fighting against?The colonialists?...They were not fighting against the colonialists.It was fight between two africans.One in the defense of the public good and the other on the side of the colonialists.And we boast of "chasing away" the colonialists!..Any lesson from this? Now is the moment of introspection.A moment of thinking.A moment of integration.A moment of walking together.Yes,this is the golden chance we all yearn to get.It is time to exorcise the spirits of division.The spirit of "blackness". And it is possible!

                    I have a deep conviction that the african people are capable of transforming themselves.They have what it takes to "push" their way into the world of success.But this doesn't come easily.We need to embrace new mindset.We must do more and talk less.We must embrace brotherly love.Love that binds.Love that doesn't look at the composition of someone's skin.Loves that sees no "blackness". Love that looks beyond tribe or nationality.Yes this is what is needed.HAPPY NEW YEAR 2013.


Sunday, 23 December 2012


" There should be less talk;a preaching point is not a meeting point. What do you do then?Take a broom and clean someone's house. That says enough"- MOTHER TERESA.

                        It is a festive season.It is meeting time.Families meet,friends meet.There are discussions everywhere.Discussions about accomplishments and drafting of new plans for the next cycle (call it year).It is also electioneering period.Political talk reigns the air.It is about who to elect and what to expect.I'm not out of this.Methinks I should say a word or two on this "political thing".

                        Political life revolves around the aspirations of a people.It is about uplifting the masses.It is about  liberating a people.It is about progressive ideas.But ideas are not born out of empty rhetoric.Ideas are a manifestation of a peoples' thinking.It is what they contribute and produce.This is the foundation over which development is anchored.Where does this take us?Lets look at it..
                        Inclusive thinking epitomises progress.This calls for dialogue. Dialogue demands love.And love exists where there is tolerance.This is the first step.Why this?It is incumbent to note that people (no matter how "remote" they might be) have ideas.They possess intellectual wealth that remains unexploited.This is what keeps their engines working.They have solutions to all their challenges.So what?This calls for wisdom on the side of leaders.Please don't impose your thoughts (no matter how smart they are) without first "testing" what the masses have.It is that simple!

                         Besides,mutual friendship in leadership is highly needed.Nobody is capable of doing all without the help of the other.We are all connected.It is this "connection" that defines progressive leadership.A connected leader is resourceful.He/she is focused......Turkana County is capable of feeding Kenya.This might sound impossible but I believe it is possible.It will be possible only if we unlearn to learn.Only if we acknowledge the input of others.Only if we humble ourselves to learn from others...TO YOU Mr Governor,please don't "zone" yourself  when it comes to matters such as these.Move across the fence and ask these Israelis to share their expertise in irrigation.I believe it will be a good step.Move on!Do it!

                           Finally,after elections you guys will be converging somewhere to discuss about how to improve our lives.Yes it is good.This what you are supposed to do.But this is my humble observation;please don't forget ACTION.You know what,too much talk but no action is useless!Get out of those boardrooms and meet the people.Work with them.Eat with them.Sleep with them....And hear what they are saying.Methinks this is possible.And this reminds me of these powerful words of Mother Teresa (R.I.P.).... "There should be less talk;a preaching point is not a meeting point. What do you do then?Take a broom and clean someone's house. That says enough".

                                       MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR 2013.

Saturday, 15 December 2012


                       Today's article marks my 40th piece.This is a special piece dedicated to women and mothers.Yes, ladies this is meant for you!The likes of my mum and my sisters.I draw my inspiration from the love and closeness demonstrated by these people.They are so important to me that I find it impossible to forgive those hellbent to cause harm (physical or mental) to them(women). They are the fabric that holds humanity.They are the foundations over which societies and nations are built.They are the fountain of love and humanity.They are full of progressive dreams.They look into the future with an optimistic feeling.They are full of hope.They are really wonderful creatures.Lets look at some of their wonderful works.

                         First in line is my mama.This lady has played a critical role in nurturing me.Whenever I think of the steps  I have made I find her hand in them.Her philosophy was that of leading by example.She always demonstrated what she wanted us to learn.Failure to follow this would attract "several of the best". Some of us found this punishing.But our vision could not match what she had for us.Her vision was that of tomorrow.Ours was of today.We couldn't agree and something had to happen (some strokes were necessary) for her to drive her point home.I vividly remember those evening "lessons" when we gathered to pray and learn from the Bible.She was hard on this.Each day had a designated "teacher". It is from these "lessons" that I learned the art of thinking and passing the message as required.The list is long... Let me stop here.Anyway, thanks mum.I love you mama!

                         Then comes a group of "the market women" (wanawake wa soko). My mum was also part of this group.These women are the brains behind merry-go-round (chamas) idea in my village.My success is as a result of this.That is why I hold them dear.They symbolized vision.They literally controlled the local economy.They stood up even in the face of aggression from vision-less men.They had unbreakable bond.They understood what earned them the name "the market women". Their unity was that of purpose.Their readiness to help one another was what astonished me most.

                        My local chief(administrator) is another woman who falls in this category of people.This lady is intelligent.She is brave and visionary.Her voice is that of finality.She loves her job.She epitomizes what women can do that men can't do.With her presence,the village chaps get to know that the rule of law exists.She is a mother and  a leader.She understands what it means to be that way.Peace is her other name.Congratulations Madam Chief Sarah.I'm proud of you.

                       Finally,I want to pour words of hope to all expectant mothers.I understand how selfless you are.Your strength is demonstrated by your capacity to carry us for 40 good weeks.This calls for a celebration!This is a show of bravery.Know that you are conquerors.MAY THE BLESSINGS OF THE LORD BE UPON YOU.

                                                       * * * * * * * * * * * 
                      This doesn't negate the role and the place of men.They too have done a wonderful job.You deserve praise.KUDOS TO MEN!

                                              HAPPY FESTIVE SEASON.

Wednesday, 12 December 2012


                  Which is important;quality or "jobs"? Longevity or the "feeling of having done something"? I ask myself these questions when I hear some "professionals" argue about the manner in which community projects (like schools,dispensaries,market stalls) should be handled.Majority of them tend to support the idea of letting locals "construct/build" the projects for this is one way of creating "employment". This  may sound sweet with the hoi polloi.It may be a wise action.It may be a solution to peoples challenges.But is it really a solution? Lets dig deep into it to uncover the veracity of this method.

                    Methinks quality is important.After all what is the essence of having such kind of projects?Quality comes at a cost.It is a measure of how we love our projects and our lives.But what is quality?Methinks quality is paramount to all other factors.It is a demonstration of a peoples' commitment to solve a problem not for one generation but for several generations (call it eternity). It is closely related to TIME.A quality product lasts longer.It "lives" for a longer time.So this begs the questions - is it logical to have a local market built by unskilled locals under the pretext of offering them job opportunities and have it(the market) rebuilt after two years?Is this progress? 

                   Compromises are not the solutions to community's challenges.To do this is like climbing a tree from the top.You purport to cure a condition while creating a disastrous one.Degradation of peoples' lives conditions is not as a result of lack of resources.We have a lot of resources.It is a product of using wrong methods to right a situation.This calls for one thing.Visionary thoughts.But we are imprisoned by the mentality of "pleasing our people" at the expense of quality.We are blinded by this malady.It has taken control of our minds.It is no more about the larger picture.It is about personal interests under the cover of "helping the people". Please stop this!

                   I think the issue of job creation and community involvement aren't of concern here.I don't rule out the role of communities/locals in taking part in their developments.They are players in this game and can't be locked out.But we should be cognizant of the fact that the same communities are the beneficiaries of these projects.This understanding therefore demands looking into the future.And this is brought by doing  quality job.Constructing something that wouldn't collapse after being officially opened. 
                                                          * * * * * * * * *
                   I write this out of frustration.I'm angered by actions of a vision-less lot calling itself viongozi.This is not a blanket condemnation.There are those who have performed well.Kudos to them.But my anger is directed to those who by their actions tell the people they are incapable of steering the wheel to the promised land. I'm a victim of this malady.The women of my home town (Kainuk) don't have a market.This isn't because of absence of resources.It is out of using wrong methods - in the name of using local skills and creating "jobs".The result?No market."Marketless" trading center.And who shall rectify this?Please mr/mrs/ms/miss governor,we want action on this!

Sunday, 9 December 2012

No-King-as-God - African Safari Campfire Stories

When an ordinary man comes before the African king he salutes him thusly: "May the king live forever!" 
But once lived a man who refused to say this obligatory phrase, instead substituting: "There is no king like God." After many visits to the king, and many repetitions of this heretical phrase, the king grew angry and plotted to destroy the man. 
He gave the man two silver rings and told him they were a present to keep, but in reality the king meant to avenge himself through them. The man, whom everybody now called No-King-as-God, took the rings, put them into a dried and empty ram's horn, and gave them to his wife to keep for him. A week later the king called No-King-as-God and sent him to a distant village, to tell the people to come and help build up the city walls. 
As soon as he had gone the king sent for the man's wife and offered her a thousand cowries (imported small shells used as money or ornaments), and a hundred head-cloths and body-cloths, if she would give him that which her husband had entrusted to her. Tempted by the splendid presents the wife agreed and brought the ram's horn, and when the king looked inside, there were the two rings safely stored. 
He placed them back in the horn, and gave it to his servants with instructions to throw it far into a lake. They did so, and as the horn fell into the water a great fish swam by and swallowed it. On the day that No-King-as-God was returning home he met some friends who were going fishing. He went with them and caught that great fish. 
As his son was cleaning it, his knife struck something hard and he called to his father. The father pulled out the horn, and when he opened it and looked inside he saw the rings which the king had given him for safe keeping. "Truly," he said, "there is no king like God." 
They were still fishing when a royal messenger came and told the man he was wanted by the king at once. He stopped at his house first and asked his wife where was that precious thing he had entrusted to her. She replied that she could not find it and thought a rat had eaten it. 
Shaking his head at her perfidy the man set off for the royal court. The other counsellors all saluted by saying, "May the king live forever." But the man said only, "There is no king like God." 
So the king told the counsellors to be quiet, and advancing towards the man he said, "Is it true that there is no king like God?" The man replied firmly, "Yes". 
Then the king demanded the rings which he had entrusted to the man, and signalled his guards to close round him to kill him. 
But No-King-as-God put his hand under his robe and pulled out the horn and handed it to the king. The king opened it and took out his two silver rings. "Indeed, there is no king like God", he said, and all his counsellors shouted in approval. Then the king divided his city into two, and gave half of it to No-King-as-God to rule. 

adapted from

Saturday, 8 December 2012


                       Children are blessings.They symbolize continuity and progress.They bridge generations.They are the bedrock over which a society is built.Without children a society is deemed to be dead.They are a very important segment of a society.They deserve protection and attention of all.So this begs the questions - where does the idea of illegitimate/legitimate children come from? Does it advance the principle of child-protection? Is it an idea of exclusion?Lets look at it.

                  A friend told me of a story he overheard somewhere of "illegitimate children". Illegitimate children according to the source are said to be children got before marriage or whose father can't be traced.These are children whose "identity" is said to be unknown (maybe known to the mother only). The identity in this case is "who the father of the kid is." So what happens is the kid is abandoned and is perceived as an outcast.In some extreme cases,these children are killed to "protect the dignity of the family". Others are left at church-gates to be taken care of by "God's people". Surely,do people who do this deserve mercy? Do they understand the value of life?Should the children be punished for wrongs done by others? Is protecting family's dignity more important than the protection of life?

                  Children are children irrespective of the method of "extraction". The value attached to them overrides any kind of belief or the so-called family dignity.They belong to the society. This connection is what obliges the society to protect children.Methinks humans are the only creatures who love the spirit of exclusion.They derive their so-called unity under the banner of "ONLY US AND NOT THEM". This is the slogan behind exclusion of such kind of kids.It is not a matter of "religion". It is a selfish and "only us" kind of thinking.It advances the belief of dominance -the spirit of creating an under-class so as to have "something" to rule.This "protectionist policy" is dangerous and destructive.The dominant group feels "endangered" and hence finds it easy to create a powerless and easy-to-dominate-group.They must be stopped!

                  Then there are those who take this as a business venture. They identify themselves as "humanitarian organizations". They define their role as that of "helping abandoned children". But behind this rests a merchant and dollar-thirsty group.Their "prayer" is the continued presence of such kids - because without them,they will have nothing to "eat". This too is a dangerous group.They must be stopped!

                  It is imperative to note that human life is precious.It can't be compromised in the name of "family dignity". Dignity doesn't come from causing harm.Dignity is a product of doing good to others.Dignity advocates for inclusion of all.Dignity defines human beings as interconnected creatures whose objective is that of mutual understanding.Thus the "illegitimacy of children" is an idea whose foundations and principles don't relate to those advocated by dignity.



                        You don't make peace between rival brothers by punishing them harder; you let them knock each other's face for them to know the true meaning of peace. This is a statement attributed to my father.Methinks this statement is loaded with wisdom. What was the message behind this statement? You don't correct a condition by becoming too hard and brutal. Allow the person to do it and learn by himself. By allowing we tend to send a clear signal that those with the activity in their hearts can really venture into it. But this is not a license to accept everything.

                       On 1st December we celebrated the steps we've taken to curb the spread of HIV/AIDS.We clapped and glorified the Almighty. It was a joyous moment. But my point isn't on that.It is about the small thing of prostitution and sex business.It is about what is described as satanic and "unacceptable". It is about the role and place of prostitutes and their clients.Look at this - Nairobi alone hosts approximately 7000 sex workers.If each one serves three clients per day (day and night) this will translate to around 21,000 sexual transactions.Which then translates to 630,000 transactions per month and 7,560,000 cases annually.Yes, this is Nairobi alone.I'm not surprised by these figures.I want us to interrogate what comes after these "transactions".Has somebody tried to offer a solution to this? Is criminalizing this profession  beneficial to the nation? If this hasn't stopped or cured it,what should we do? Should it be left the way it is? 

                      Methinks the key reason of having laws is to create a state of fairness and sobriety to all.Laws are meant to cure.They shape the moral and psychological trajectory of a people. Laws are meant to be a "rescue center" for all irrespective of their actions.This is the pillar of a society - accommodating others and not imposing ones beliefs on others.Having this in mind why should we criminalize prostitution? Should we blame the moral decay of a society on a single element - sex? I think the benefits of legalizing this profession outweigh the anticipated "cure" that comes about with criminalization.Lets look at these benefits.

                       Safeguarding the dignity of a people.I know some people will question what type of "dignity" am talking about with this sex "thing".OK lets look at it! Dignity is an inherent right of any person.It is never given to a person.It is born with him/her.Denial of it is negating the human existence of a person.It is to reduce the person to a level of thing.Is it good to see young girls running away from security officers for fear of being arrested? I think to accept this is to legalize crime under the pretext of preventing prostitution.How many husbands/wives profit from this cover of darkness? Do you think these "clients" will come out if the profession were to be legalized and regulated?Now figure out the dignity am talking about.

                        Prevention of HIV/AIDS.Self-denial is a dangerous disease.It is a major player in the spread of HIV/AIDS.It creates an atmosphere of blaming others for our own short-comings.It blinds the society.It deviates from the common understanding of tolerance and communal existence. Accepting the place and role of prostitutes calls for elimination of the spirit of self-denial.Doing this leads to the understanding that punishing prostitution is  detrimental to the family bond and the society at large.Legalizing prostitution is the way to reducing HIV/AIDS prevalence.This will scare away the "joyriders".It will create a " screened" business.Putting measures such as mandatory medical check-ups and HIV/AIDS tests before and after service will further augment the benefits and reduce the risk of HIV infections.This is what openness brings.Does jailing propose any solutions?

                       The issue of taxes.A well regulated business is beneficial to the nation.How many billions of dollars go untaxed due to the ban on this trade?Compare that with the amount of money and time lost in chasing sex workers off the streets.If the tax raised from beer is considered "legal",why lock out other avenues under the clouds of "moral protection"?

                       And this takes me back to where I started; You don't make peace between rival brothers by punishing them harder; you let them knock each other's face for them to know the true meaning of peace.Repeal these punitive and insensitive laws to save the nation.

Sunday, 2 December 2012


                       There is no historical reality which is not human.There is no history without humankind, and no history for human beings, there is only history of humanity, made by the people and in turn making them.These are words of Paulo Freire the author of The Pedagogy of The Oppressed.  I feel these words resonate with my today's topic.Methinks it is important for people to understand their history and accept to be shaped by the same.History is the reference point in the pursuit of social development.To claim to have no history is to doubt the very existence of ourselves since history is a product of our activity and it forms a foundation over which we walk.Anyway this is not a lecture about history.I want to talk about three elements of the Turkana philosophy.

                         The Turkana people live in the northwestern part of the Republic of Kenya.They are nomadic people. Descriptions aside.They are human beings.Period.The three factors making up their philosophy are; Time,Place,The unknown(s). I will try to interrogate each factor and how it contributed in shaping the lives of these people.

                         TIME.They say time is invisible.That we only feel its effects.But for the Turkanas time is a concrete factor.It is visible.We can touch it and talk to it.How?Age is all about time.It is the total time somebody has lived.It is a measure of somebody's capability to think and reflect.Not just for the sake of thinking.But thinking productively. Yes! Being capable of giving tangible results.It is being capable of changing lives.Leaders were measured on the basis of this.That in the course of ones lifetime,what  contributions did he/she make.How many souls did he empower.How many families did he raise.It was (and it is still) an important factor.In today's language we call it "track-record" - the  actions and thoughts of men in the course of time.

                         PLACE.Places were characterized with roles.People from certain places were thought/believed to be good in certain activities.Different places had different challenges hence different social makeup.This reminisced "specialization".This kind of specialization was healthy for the community for it "pushed" for cohesion and respect of each other.Every member new and understood that.Respect was important for it formed foundation for exchange of "talents and experiences." Failure to do it was  catastrophic to all.

                          THE UNKNOWNS.This talks of uncertainties of life.The invisible forces influencing the actions of man.The moral conscience of a people - the virtues that ought to be followed.The relations between man and his fellows,man and his environment and man and his Creator -  AKUJ (God). This is the pillar of all the three factors.It is out this that the other two come into existence.It characterized how the weak were supposed to be treated;how women were protected and taken care of;how strangers were treated as they were believed to be "messengers of fortune". It defined the role of men and women.It provided mechanisms for conflict resolutions.This factor was(and is still) highly regarded.

                          Any lesson? Life is a web of activities.It is made complete by actions and thoughts of others.We learn through the mistakes of others.It is through this that life becomes "complete". Leaders are subject to  public scrutiny.They are rated on the basis of their "record". The populace are inter-connected.They are morally and "humanely" bound to help each other.Apart from the visible world,there exists the invisible one.The one that "inspects" and supervises our actions.This invisible force is supreme and is the fountain of wisdom and goodwill.  Therefore everybody worked hard to please this supreme Being to attract blessings and goodwill.

                                   ** ENJOY EXPLORING YOUR HISTORY**


Saturday, 1 December 2012


                Land in Kenya is classified on the basis of its "productivity". Some lands are said to be productive.Others are said to be barren and impotent.Economic policies are designed and implemented on the basis of this vague classification.This is tailored to "reward" those lands that "contribute" to the national economy.This has been the reasoning since independence.The result is glaring inequality and betrayal.The result is radicalization of the forgotten lot.

                 But I will not base my today's subject on that.I want to talk about the shameless arrogance displayed by some people.Yes this is what I want to unfold.Land is the mainstay of any a people.It is the bedrock on which their lives are anchored.It is the oasis from which they draw their daily drink.Land defines their lives.It is their entitlement.It is their wealth and livelihood.Land is therefore paramount to a single man's interests.Its benefits cut across generations.Its usefulness doesn't end with a single generation.It goes beyond that.Danger posed to land equals to danger posed to generations to come.Yes this calls for seriousness when dealing with land matters.

                  Since the discovery of oil in the northern Kenya several people have come out with "sweet" descriptions of these "former" barren and impotent lands.Now they are said to be "high potential lands", "business promising territories", "uninhabited lands".....etc.Reports have been in circulation that speculators are now working in cahoots with some local merchants to purchase land from locals in order to dispose them of when "boom time" comes.The logic behind this is that locals don't "understand" the usefulness of land since they are "pastoralists". That they are nomadic and keep on moving from "place to place".Others say this land is " community land" hence nobody can solely claim ownership over it.

                   Let me call this ignorance or poverty of facts.Land is at the heart of these guys.They have guarded it with their lives since the beginning of time.Land is literally their "food".Taking it from them is like starving them to death.And it won't be a walk in the park.They are ready to defend it by all means.I'm not an alarmist.But hardness is needed to send a message down the veins of hungry wolves.I do this to send a message to potential thieves.Let them know that mistakes that happened somewhere else don't have room in this place.But we need measures to counter this:

           1-Educate the masses about the benefits of land.I call upon professionals,sons and daughters of the land to rise and spread the gospel of your-land-is-your-wealth.Let the people know they are sleeping on gold.
           2-Eliminate the curse of landlessness by allocating parcels of land to those with none.Doing this will be beneficial to the whole society/community.Relevant authorities shouldn't wait to be reminded about this.They ought to know it.Jump into action and do something.The people are waiting. 
           3-Make it hard for those who wish to dispose of their plots recklessly or with with little/no involvement of family members.These chaps are the ones who  will cry later "tunaomba serekali iingilie katikati".Hit them hard until  they begin using their brains.
           4-Declare a moratorium (of say 3 years) until that time that the society will be deemed to be enlightened on matters of land.The relevant County Government/Council should take charge of this. 
            5-Designate zones for grazing purposes,provided with watering points,schools,health facilities and education centers for the illiterate.
            6-Educate livestock farmers on the need to scale down their livestock numbers to avert crises and conflicts on land use and watering points. 
            7-Involve the masses in decision making.The masses always have something meaningful to offer.This openness breeds confidence and cooperation.